Re: [guide-user] Toolbar Buttons for GAIA DR2

Christian Ambros May 25, 2018

Dear Ross,

a much butter way than Dropbox is, to upload the files at github, because of better security for you and us, the user on the one hand and version controlling with checkout option of older and younger versions. github is the most common online version controlling and sharing system for many years now.

It is much easier to use because you do not need any gui-client-application to use it.



-- "A little learning never caused anyone's head to explode!" "Ein wenig Lernen hat noch niemandens Kopf zum Explodieren gebracht!"

On Friday, May 11, 2018, 9:35:41 AM GMT+2, Arild Moland astralscooter@... [guide-user] <> wrote:



one option is to sign up with Dropbox (if you haven't already), put them in a folder there and share the link to it here. It's not optimal, but will get your files out there. 

Would have been better to have file sharing through the group system working, though, but that will require group admin action. Bill?

Arild :)

On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 6:13 AM, ross_shuart@... [guide-user] <> wrote:

I changed the topic rather than continue the GAIA Catalogue in Guide 9.1 thread.

Apparently, toolbar button icons can live in two places in Guide: packed (in some manner) together in the file bitmaps.lmp in the top level Guide directory or as individual BMP files in the top level directory. Opening the bitmaps.lmp file in a text editor shows the names of the files packed inside. I do not know what the format is. If there are both a packed version and a freestanding version of a file, the freestanding version is the one that is used, so unpacking/repacking the LMP file isn't needed.

I found some old buttons in my Guide 8 directory, copied one over to Guide 9 and edited it with KolourPaint, which was adequate for the task. I produced two files g2a.bmp and g2b.bmp which work well enough. They are both in the top level directory. One says GAIA DR2 on two lines, the other just G2 in larger letters on one line. I edited toolbar.dat to use each in turn to compare their visibility, etc. Personally, I went with the larger letters.

I would like to share these with the group, but this group does not allow attachments. There is a Files area that contains some files, but I don't seem to have privileges to upload files or even view the file names. I was able to upload the buttons as photos, but they were converted to JPG images as part of that process, making them fairly useless (and blurred). They are in the Photos area in a new album: Toolbar Buttons..

Suggestions on how to make these available are welcome. They are small (1438 bytes each).

