Re: [guide-user] French postings

Berthold Hamburger Mar 6, 2001

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 18:23:42 -0600, you wrote:

There is a very simple solution to all this. Every group has a list
owner who sets the rules. If Jost Jahn does not mind to have emultiple
language postings, then that is the rule and there is nothing to
complain about.

I would like nevertheless state what I do on "my" list for Mel
Bartels' scope drive. I do not allow multi language postings for the
simple reason that more people are generally bothered by them then do
benefit from them. If somebody, who has no means to communicate in
english, needs to know something, then he can post a message in his
native language stating the question. All replies to this message have
to be done Off-list. That way the list does not get cluttered by
postings that most people do not understand. If there is a need for a
french forum it can always be created.


>Dear Mr. Mallet,
> I agree with you. Since guide is published in foreign languages, they
>ought to be able to post their questions on the web site. I'm from the
>south (Monroe, Louisiana), and I believe in showing hospitality to
> Pat Madden
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Berthold Hamburger - Cellist/Spain
Email: b-hamburger@...