Re: [guide-user] Problem with goto for a UCAC2 star

Ted Blank Apr 27, 2018

I am using Ctrl-B which is "Go To .. Object Name"

It is a UCAC2 name, not UCAC4 though.

According to an earlier post by Bill, it should be possible to use designators like:


I do this all the time with UCAC4 stars, which is why it's puzzling.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 8:05 PM, 'P. Clay Sherrod' drclay@... [guide-user] <> wrote:

What tab are you opening to have any field to enter a UCAC-4 star by number?
I have all the catalogs loaded on my office computer here and I see no way to pull up the UCAC stars by designation.
Of course you CAN simply enter the coordinates of the star manually and that will take you to the right target.
Dr. Clay
Arkansas Sky Observatories
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 2:31 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Problem with goto for a UCAC2 star

Hi, got a problem.  There's an asteroid occultation predicted for star UCAC2 267-18814.

I've tried every combination I can think of to get Guide to go to this object, but it just says 'not a valid object'.

2U267-18814 should be the preferred Guide identifier string, correct?  It does not work for me.

Maybe it's a typo in the prediction and this star really does not exist, but if it does I can't seem to figure out how to enter its identifier in Guide.

Could someone who has success let me know how you did it?
