RE: [guide-user] Re: More Info causes crash

chasseurdesgalaxies Mar 28, 2018

Hi Roger,

I can't help, but my guess is that this is AGAIN an "acces rights" issue. Do you have the SAME Windows system installed on both computers ? (I am also running Guide on a Virtual Machine with Windows 98 on it, and it (Windows 98 !) sometimes tells me that there are also hidden files in the "origin" folder that will not copied, if I do not go to "folder options" and tick "show hidden files").

May I make a proposal ?...  If you have Windows 10, try the following: Go to the following site and download the second and third files TO THE COMPUTER WHERE THE PROBLEM SHOWS UP.

(Shawn Brink is really a very recognized and trustworthy person).

Download the second file and not the first one, because the second one will tell you (before closing) whether the operation was a succes. Just hit "enter" to close, when you have seen the result.

Then rightclick on the downloaded blue registry file with the name "ADD take ownership ..." and chose "Merge".

This will install a new context (rightclick) menu entry to your Windows Explorer. (The other file you downloaded will remove this entry again).

Then go to your Guide MAIN folder (not a sub-folder) on the computer where the problem is, rightcklick and chose "Take ownership". The program will run and will take a little bit of time, because it will verify whether you have all the necessary acces rights to your Guide folder and the files in it.

Then try again in Guide whether your problem comes up again.

[In case your computer language is in another language than English, please note the first entry on page 29 in the discussion following the above mentionned contribution from Shawn Brink:]

Good luck
