[guide-user] Re: DSS problems

BMAdams491@aol.com Nov 21, 1999

> The reports on this list indicate that the 'rename to a .FIT extension'
>step is falling down. I gave it a try today, and got it to fail _once_.
>Before and after that, it worked just fine. I'm still trying to figure
>out what was special about that failure, and will post here when I've got
>something new. (If anybody else spots a pattern regarding which cases
>work and which fail, please let me know!)

Bill and others,

The only pattern that I've discerned is that "larger" files aren't being
renamed. I tried importing several images of M34 of various sizes, starting
with the default value of 20.1x20.1 arcminutes, and decreasing in size. I
was able to successfully download images of 5x5 arcminutes or smaller without
renaming to a fits extension; anything larger didn't seem to work without

I don't know if this helps, but I thought I'd pass on my experiences. Thanks.

Brian Adams