Re: [guide-user] Re: Position of guide chip frame

Konstantin v. Poschinger Dec 29, 2017

Hi Eric,

you should rename the row to SGIB STXL 16200…
Or if you want both cameras add one row with the data of the 16200 and increase the number of cameras.


Konstantin v. Poschinger

Hammerichstr. 5
22605 Hamburg
0171 1983476

Am 29.12.2017 um 18:27 schrieb eric@... [guide-user] <>:

Thanks Bill,

I have fooled around with the ccds.nam file already to put in the information about the size of the two chips for the SBIG 16200. Not sure I got it correctly, but it seems to display properly when selected. That is, everything except the guide chip offset. Here is the text string I am using from the ccds.nam file.

SBIG STXL 11002                  KAF-16200    6        6    4500  3600  961 0,.92,.24,.28,640,480

From your reply, I would change the .92 value highlighted above, increasing it to extend the distance of the guider from the main chip. I have some data from TheSkyX which indicates the guide chip in Guide9 has to go out about 70% further. So I assume I have to increase .92 by 70%. Is that correct?

The ccds.nam file is open in notepad. And I should save it as a text file.
