Re: [guide-user] French postings

James Ellis Mar 5, 2001

Possibly for a tad more inclusive approach to the guide-user group, those
who can speak French and English may like to do a translation for those who
can't read French that well. I know that Bill sometimes does this.
Going this way would keep the guide-user email group as international as
the software is itself and would not alienate one language group.

As this is probably the only group dedicated to Guide (apart from the
Japanese one) then it is in our best interest to assist those who need help
with Guide but do not speak English at all. They may not be able to find
the answers elsewhere....
For instance, Jean Paul in his last post was very happy that he had
received a useful reply. Maybe it was the only one that helped him?
If he had tried to post in English then maybe no one would have understood
him, French, or English speaking?

So that is possibly the compromise for this English speaking (but
international flavoured group) - for those who post in French because that
is their only language then I am sure that there are some users out there
who can translate it to English for the benefit of those of us who only
have English or whose international language is English.

There are also some good translation sites out there where you can copy and
paste code and get a rough translation.

I for one don't mind if someone posts en Francais, it helps me further in
my understanding of the language, which helps me further in experiences
when I travel and possibly work overseas!

Clear Skies/ clair ciel.

(where we do speak english - sort of)

At 08:21 AM 5/03/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Hello Everyone!
>Wasn't this group intended to have ENGLISH language? I can't read a word in
>french and if the users start to post all in their own languages, this
>conference gets useless for me (and a lot of others as well).
>So dear french fellows:
>If you are incapable of reading/writing english, try to join a french group
>instead. If you CAN communicate in english, PLEASE DO SO. If you simply
>don't care about the rules in a conference, please do it elsewhere.
>Ever wondered why 80% of all wrong language posts in conferences are french?
>Best regards,
>Robert Orso
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