Guide occultation, conjunction troubles
Bill J. Gray Feb 22, 2001
Andrea Pelloni wrote:
"...1- if I try to launch 'Display' and 'CCD Frame', nothing happens;"
Do you mean the dialog box fails to come up, or that the frame doesn't
come up? If the latter, make sure you check the 'show frame' and,
perhaps, 'center frame' boxes, and that you're at a proper zoom level
to actually see the frame. Also, check the color of the frame.
"...2- the same if I right click on a planet or MP and launch
'Animation' and then 'Animation Dialog'."
That one's tougher to explain. What happens if you try to launch the
Animation dialog from the toolbar?
"...I supposed that this could be caused from the fact that I use
Guide with Italian language, so perhaps the Itali_g7 file could be not
This shouldn't be a problem. I always make sure the assorted language
files are able to work with the current version (though they often have
large chunks of English text until the translators get a chance to work
on them.)
Vogt Meinolf wrote:
"...finding a transit for Mercury or Venus does not work any more."
Thanks for mentioning this... I had no knowledge of it before. I've
tracked this down and fixed it. In the last version I posted, I made
an error in sign (added where I should have subtracted) that affects
many different types of events, including some (not all) solar eclipses
and almost all transits of Mercury and Venus. Basically, Guide would
ignore a slew of events that were "real" occultations. When I post the
next update on the Web site, you will see that these problems are gone.
As to conjunctions: this one surprises me a bit. Could you please
give an example or two? (Objects used and the date from which you
started?) I might be able to comment more intelligently then.
-- Bill