Re: [guide-user] RE: UCAC4 (again)

tom Nov 13, 2016

I'm sure this is not an issue but I assume the magnitude setting is dim
enough to show the object...

On 11/13/2016 1:40 PM, 'Blair, Grant' g.blair@... [guide-user] wrote:
> One step more……
> If I rename the UCAC4 file z605 to something else, then try the Goto
> again, Guide quite clearly tells me 4U605-1592 is not an object anymore.
> I rename it back to z605 and now the Goto works again (but does not
> display anything at that location).
> Grant
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 13, 2016 1:33 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [guide-user] RE: UCAC4 (again)
> Thanks for the input, Bill (& Roger). I am still quite perplexed.
> Guide (9.1) is obviously picking up data from *somewhere*.
> My “Toggle User Datasets” looks like (only UCAC-4 enabled):
> [cid:image001.png@...85E0]
> Clicking on Adjust Dataset shows (“on”, “Label” checked, Show at 0-1.5):
> [cid:image002.png@...85E0]
> The UCAC4_PATH entry in GUIDE.DAT is (UCAC4_PATH=d:\ucac4 followed by a
> linefeed character, like every other line)
> [cid:image004.png@01D23DB1.E69EFAD0]
> I’m sitting at level 10 (15 minutes) and execute Go To… Object Name and
> enter “4U605-1592” and click OK.
> This takes me to an ‘empty’ patch of sky at approx. RA 00:23:29, Dec
> +30:58:43, which sounds totally reasonable for band 605 of the UCAC4 data.
> But it’s literally ‘empty’ on my display. I right-click on the spot and
> Guide’s best suggestion for identification is “Border” with no
> additional info.
> So we’re left with the interesting situation where Guide *knows* the
> name and corresponding location, but is not readily displaying anything
> at that spot.
> In approximately 20 years of Guide/Charon/FindOrb usage, I have never
> come across such an issue before.
> History: to get to this point, I started with a fresh installation from
> the Guide 9.0 CD and added patches over the years to get to 9.1 now.
> Roger emailed me the relevant files from his (now working) setup. I’m
> going to trawl through the relevant lines in there and see if there is
> some subtle difference which has so far eluded me.
> Cheers!
> Grant
> From: <>
> []
> Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2016 2:15 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [guide-user] RE: UCAC4 (again)
> Hi Grant,
> The fact that Go To... Object... 4U314-15926 works suggests that you're
> on the right road. (I should remember to suggest trying that. But I didn't,
> and can't, think of a case where you could get Go To to work, but not
> display.)
> To double-check: under Extras... Toggle User-Added Datasets, you've
> selected UCAC4 (_not_ "UCAC4 downloaded from VizieR"), turned 'on', with
> the 'label' box checked, and 'show at' set from 0 to 1 degree?
> What happens if you right-click on that star? Do you get UCAC4 data
> or UCAC3 data?
> -- Bill
> On 2016-11-11 20:42, 'Blair, Grant'
> g.blair@...<mailto:g.blair@...
> <mailto:g.blair@...%3cmailto:g.blair@...>> [guide-user] wrote:
>> Thanks, Tom!
>> Well, this is extremely interesting. Switching the UCAC4 directories
> (and reference) over to C: made no difference, so I set it back to D:.
>> Still no sign of the UCAC4 stars (or labels) appearing, even at level
> 10 (15 minutes).
>> If I do a 'Goto...Object' and enter "4U314-15926" as described in
>, then Guide does
> indeed go to the location where that star should appear. It just doesn't
> display it.
>> Ideas, anyone?
>> Grant
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:<
> <>>
> []
>> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 7:40 PM
>> To:<
> <>>
>> Subject: Re: [guide-user] RE: UCAC4 (again)
>> Good luck Grant. FYI, for me the stars don't ID as 4UCxxx-xxxx until I
>> zoom in to level 10. before that (level 9 or before) they ID as TYCO
>> catalog stars.
>> Tom
>> On 11/11/2016 7:04 PM, 'Blair, Grant'
> g.blair@...<mailto:g.blair@...
> <mailto:g.blair@...%3cmailto:g.blair@...>> [guide-user] wrote:
>>> Thanks, Tom. Same here, except I'm on D:
>>> I guess I'll temporarily copy the UCAC4 tree to C: and adjust the
> UCAC4_PATH accordingly to see if it makes a difference.
>>> Grant
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:<
> <>>
> []
>>> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 7:02 PM
>>> To:<
> <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [guide-user] RE: UCAC4 (again)
>>> In my c:\UCAC4 directory I have a U4B subdirectory containing Z001-Z900
>>> and a U4i subdirectory with a few index files and such. Also a
>>> modfis.exe file (?).
>>> Tom
>>> On 11/11/2016 6:56 PM, 'Blair, Grant'
> g.blair@...<mailto:g.blair@...
> <mailto:g.blair@...%3cmailto:g.blair@...>> [guide-user] wrote:
>>>> Thanks, guys. Tried that one, still no dice.
>>>> Did you both ftp the files from CDSARC? Or did you get them from
> some other source?
>>>> I'm wondering if the directory structure there is set up a little
> differently from that expected by Guide...
>>>> Grant
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:<
> <>>
> []
>>>> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 5:34 PM
>>>> To:<
> <>>
>>>> Subject: Re: [guide-user] UCAC4 (again)
>>>> Same here as Dr. Clay...
>>>> Tom
>>>> On 11/11/2016 4:16 PM, 'P. Clay Sherrod'
> drclay@...<mailto:drclay@...
> <mailto:drclay@...%3cmailto:drclay@...>> [guide-user]
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You might try changing your path command to:
>>>>> UCAC4_PATH=d:\ucac4
>>>>> Works just fine in that configuration for us.
>>>>> ------------
>>>>> Dr. Clay
>>>>> Arkansas Sky Observatories
>>>>> WEB:<
> <>> <>
>>>>> ASO Petit Jean Mountain /MPC H41
>>>>> ASO Petit Jean Mountain South /MPC H45
>>>>> ASO West Conway /MPC H43
>>>>> .......serving astronomy since 1971
>>>>> ____________________
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> *From:* 'Blair, Grant' g.blair@...<mailto:g.blair@...
> <mailto:g.blair@...%3cmailto:g.blair@...>> [guide-user]
>>>>> <mailto:g.blair@...
> [guide-user]<mailto:g.blair@...%20[guide-user]
> <mailto:g.blair@...%20[guide-user]%3cmailto:g.blair@...%20[guide-user]>>>
>>>>> *To:*<
> <>>
> <>
>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, November 11, 2016 1:50 PM
>>>>> *Subject:* [guide-user] UCAC4 (again)
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I don't think I am a particularly inept person in general, but
>>>>> getting Guide 9.1 (10 Dec, 2015 version) to access UCAC4 (locally on
>>>>> the same HD as Guide) eludes me.
>>>>> I downloaded the entire UCAC4 tree from
>>>>> into D:\UCAC4 on my laptop,
>>>>> keeping the relative directory structure.
>>>>> I have Guide 9.1 installed in D:\AstroData\Guide9
>>>>> I have the following in
>>>>> I have UCAC-4 flagged with an asterisk in Extras-Toggle User
>>>>> Datasets and the 'on' radio button is selected, as is display at a
>>>>> scale of 0 - 1 degrees.
>>>>> I go to an area of the sky with the window displaying 30 arcmin of
>>>>> field and the only stars visible are from Tycho (or PPM or HD).
>>>>> I have UCAC3 disabled, if that makes any difference (it didn't seem
>>>>> to, for me).
>>>>> Where is my mistake, please?
>>>>> Grant
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