Some problem

Andrea Pelloni Feb 21, 2001

Dear Bill, I have not updated my Guide 7 for a while.
Yesterday I downloaded all the files from January 23rd to the last one,
and upgraded Guide7.
But this arose two different problems:
1- if I try to launch "Display" and "CCD Frame", nothing happens;
2- the same if I right click on a planet or MP and launch "Animation"
and then "Animation Dialog".
But in the same "Animation" window the commands "Add a Trail" and "Make
Ephemeris" work perfectly.
I supposed that this could be caused from the fact that I use Guide with
Italian language, so perhaps the Itali_g7 file could be not upgraded
(even if it is younger than, but even under English language
the problem remains invariated.
Someone has the same problems?
I remember you that I have ALL Guide7 on the HD drive.
Thank you, waiting for Guide8.
Andrea Pelloni