>In the above example, Guide will display of A2.0 data if the limiting star
>magnitude is past 14.3. At that point, it will check the directory F:\A20
>for A2.0 files; if it can't find them there, it will check the root
>directories of G: and H:.
I am trying to get Guide to recognise the directories of USNO A2.0 disks stored
on drive C: Firstly, is '\a20 correct (as opposed to A2.0), and secondly, each
disk has it unique label - eg., UA009 (for disk 9). After testing the line:
A2_PATH=14.3;c:\a20\ .....
I noticed that the a20 is *not* recognised as a root (and therefore having all
the directories UA008 etc does not work). Does one have to individually
identify each disk as in:
A2_PATH=14.3;c:\a20\UA008; ....... this line works for disk USNO008
This is not implied in the example line given at the top.
Advice please?
Lawrence Harris