double asteroids

Lawrence Harris Feb 14, 2001

> It's more likely that you've loaded some
>asteroid data using the 'Add MPC Comets/Asteroids' function. The problem
>is that Guide can't necessarily recognize that it's getting elements
>both from that file _and_ from the 'main' data file, be it MPCORB
>or its built-in elements. So the object appears twice. The solution
>is to go into "Edit Comet Data", find the offending duplicate (433),
>and remove it.
Unfortunately, the 'edit comet data' shows only one entry for each of the
duplicated asteroids, so I cannot delete them.

> With comets, Guide usually has more success in weeding out duplicates.
>At least, until recently: the naming scheme in the MPC comet files has
>changed enough to confuse the algorithm a bit. I hope to fix this. In
>the meantime, be aware that periodic comets (and some non-periodics)
>may show duplicates.

Any additional suggestions?

