Re: [guide-user] "Go to object name A2 1425 07813092" does not work in Guide9-updates

Christian Ambros Feb 20, 2016

2/3 is down already and I got the safe box for the hdd ready.

-- "A little learning never caused anyone's head to explode!" "Ein wenig Lernen hat noch niemandens Kopf zum Explodieren gebracht!"

On Saturday, February 20, 2016 6:12 AM, "'P. Clay Sherrod' drclay@... [guide-user]" <> wrote:


Very much appreciated.  My direct address is below:
Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
Arkansas Sky Observatories
Petit Jean Mountain
# 73 Tanyard Springs Road
Morrilton,  AR  72110
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] "Go to object name A2 1425 07813092" does not work in Guide9-updates

@Dr. Clay,
Don't bother anymore. When the download is ready, you'll get the hard drive I reserved for it. You can email the post adress privately. FedEx will do the transport.

-- "A little learning never caused anyone's head to explode!" "Ein wenig Lernen hat noch niemandens Kopf zum Explodieren gebracht!"

On Saturday, February 20, 2016 1:53 AM, "'P. Clay Sherrod' drclay@... [guide-user]" <> wrote:


Yes, those downloads have been available, but it is virtually impossible here on our mountain to download such a large file. 
I am hoping to obtain it via a transfer to multiple DVDs or even better still a large Flash Drive or independent backup hard drive.
Dr. Clay
Arkansas Sky Observatories
ASO Petit Jean Mountain /MPC H41
ASO Petit Jean Mountain South /MPC H45
ASO West Conway /MPC H43
.......serving astronomy since 1971
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] "Go to object name A2 1425 07813092" does not work in Guide9-updates

Further more to your request:

The above contains some info on getting B1.0

Be aware that the files total 78 GB uncompressed and 48 GB using the torrent.

I don't know if this still works.


On 19-Feb-16 5:46 PM, Denis boucherd@... [guide-user] wrote:
you can go to this ftp to get A2

Go up to see other catalogs


On 19-Feb-16 4:58 PM, Christian Ambros ambrosc@... [guide-user] wrote:
Update: ( is not available for downloading zone-files any more. I've tried it wget on specific files and in whole. If you use a browser to take a look at the content, the list is empty.
Luckyly, I downloaded the content some month ago and stored it on a disk that I forgot about but found it in one of my hardcopy file drawers.

Secondly, I found that on, there is a copy available.

I added the usno_a2 folder to guide and added A2_PATH=14.2;Z:\'Path to usno_a2' to the guide.dat file.
Still using somthing line A2 1425-07813092 gives Abell 2 but entering the number at the .tdf search the same coordinates as found on CDS where shown.
 CDS got me this: VizieR

Despite that. USNO B1.0 seems to be more the catalogue to use since it contains 1 000 000 000 objects.

-- "A little learning never caused anyone's head to explode!" "Ein wenig Lernen hat noch niemandens Kopf zum Explodieren gebracht!"

On Friday, February 19, 2016 10:22 PM, "Christian Ambros ambrosc@... [guide-user]" <> wrote:

Hi Ewald,

there is nothing wrong with ending up in Cetus because you looked up Abell 2, a galaxy cluster. So what's wrong is what you entered for the USNO A2.0 catagluge.
One of the major problems is, that Microsoft Product users don't get it that a space is used to devide a command from it's options. And this is, because on Windows systems you just click with your mouse and don't see what will happen behind the button. This leads to missusage of file names, too, because the users use spaces to separate words, which then are interpreted as command options.
If the users would start using underscores instead of spaces, many errors won't come up.

Concerning USNO A2.0...
For those who do not habe downloaded the whole A2.0 (8.8GB not 6.3 as written in the Guide User Manual), the navy closed down the service with a firewall policy not allowing anyone anonymously fetching data. I tried it, the last two hours, now, by any means. VIZIER doesn't get them, too, because they face the same problem.

I'm trying to get a local copy to my hard drive, since ftp services are provided. I'm going to test how to get USNO A2.0 data since A2.0 entered at "Go to object name" looks up Abell objects.

Maybe renaming the look-up to USNOA2 plus number would be a great idea. In the same turn a little parse-update could be done dealing with white spaces like space etc.

Till this is done, using the .tdf's will be a solution.

cheers and clear skies,

-- "A little learning never caused anyone's head to explode!" "Ein wenig Lernen hat noch niemandens Kopf zum Explodieren gebracht!"

On Monday, February 15, 2016 4:07 PM, "Ewald_Schauer@... [guide-user]" <> wrote:

Hi Bill
it's not possible to find a star from USNO A2.0 catalogue with
the updated Guide9. The version 19 Apr 2012 is the last that works well.
Now "Go to object name A2 1425 07813092" for example leads always
to a point in CETUS.Perhaps you can take a look ?
Thanks, Ewald