Bill Gray Jan 5, 2016
On 01/04/2016 12:42 PM, 'Joe Mize' jmize@... [guide-user] wrote:
> Bill, on Dec. 17 you posted, “There is no real barrier to my selling Guide without
> printed manuals, and I _expect to resume sales in the next day or two_, this time with
> Guide 9.1, and with the DVD only (manual available on-line and on the DVD).”
> However, after searching this morning all I can find is “Ordering
> information: As of 2015 January 6, sales of Guide 9.0 have been discontinued”. Where
> can I, or how do I place my Guide 9.1 DVD Order? Thkx...joe :)
> "May He Go Among the Imperishable Stars"
> Joe Mize, StarFields Observatory