Re: [guide-user] MPC database

Owen Brazell Feb 11, 2001

I am not sure if you can connect that database to Guide. It will connect
the MPCORB database which can be downloaded from MPC and then by using the
MPCORB switch in the extras menu will use that for asteroid positions.

At 19:56 10/02/2001 +0300, Igor G. Rozivika wrote:
>Hi Bill and all "GUIDErs"!
>I new in this list, but old user a GUIDE :)
>I have downloaded a fresh database of asteroids
>( - about 28 Mb) from web-site
>MPC. Somebody knows as to connect this database to GUIDE7 for more precisely
>to calculate asteroids occultations?
>Thanks for help!
>Igor G. Rozivika
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