Re: [guide-user] USNO A2.0 disks

Jan van Gijsen Feb 6, 2001

the USNO catolog is made out of separate file. Each one covers 7.5 degrees from south to north, startng at -90.
No problem to leave from -90 to -30 away, because te difference is 8 * 7.5 degrees. -22.5 and -37.5 are the other
possibilities. Leaving away sections with a specific RA is not possible unless you want to edit the files.
I have done so with the USNO SA2.0 data (essentially the same file, but much smaller). I woun't advise it.
Clear Skies,
----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Lawrence Harris
Verzonden: dinsdag 6 februari 2001 19:40
Onderwerp: [guide-user] USNO A2.0 disks

I was interested to read the suggestion about putting these 11-CD ROMS on a HD,
given the very large capacity drives available.  Are the regions covered by
these disks able to be segregated by latitude - for instance, I would like to
exclude stars below dec -30; is this feasible?

Lawrence Harris

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