Re: [guide-user] Re: USNO on your hard disk Jan 29, 2001

At 16:14 2001-01-29 -0600, Josch wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I have just found out another small bug of the newest version of
>GUIDE7 (Jan 23). I wondered why I could no longer the see the USON
>stars. If you already have the USNO on the hard disk and upgrade to
>the new version the guide.dat file gets a bit scrambled.
>It adds the MPC_PATH variable just behind the A2_PATH variable and
>GUIDE won't find any more the location of the USNO. A caariage return
>is missing. Maybe this is already known.

Hi Josch and other guide/USNO 2.0 users

I just took a look at my guide.dat file in the Jan 23rd update to guide and it looks like:

and it works fine.

I call my file of USNO stars C:\A20 and have the display magnitude set at 15.0.

My MPC path is on a separate line.

Now would someone who is using Charon to do astrometry come up with a way to use the USNO files that are on the hard drive in Charon.

Summer in the northern hemisphere is less than four months away.

Bob Elliott
750 Fall Creek