Star color

Denis Boucher Jan 28, 2001

I forgot to mention the following. In the legend, in star mag, the first mag
always stay white and the remainder will go grey as the problem previously
posted appears. In the main window, all the same mag stars will show as
white. Example, if legend says 0 to 7 mag with their star sizes associated,
0 will stay white but the rest changes to grey. In the main window, stars
follow that same code, 0 mag stars are white but fainter ones go grey. Go
far enough away from isophotes or close to ground and all stars including
those in the legend will go white.

As these are very specific to position related to display of Guide, I am
starting to doubt that my system is the problem. It almost remind me of a
refresh problem within the memory system. When the star go grey and then I
move into an area where isophotes are far enough, the star will not reset.
If I minimize Guide window to the window toolbar and then reopen it, the
stars reset to white. Not the case with the ground feature mode as it resets
the star automatically when coming into view. It is not a random problem as
I can repeated anywhere using these criteria and get the same results.

Confusing enough!
