Re: [guide-user] Update posted: two Pluto moons, leap second

Hartwig Luethen May 25, 2015


Can also reproduce the language bug when running the new version. It a) will not interpret the
language d 0
line in startup.mar as evidenced by manually editing it. Guide is still running with english menus.
It also does not change during runtime.

b) However, when guide9 is closed it will change the line back to
language e 0
regardless of wheather you have changed the language from the menu or not


Am 25.05.2015 um 13:51 schrieb chasseurdesgalaxies@... [guide-user]:
Hi Joaquim et Bill,

I confirm that the language settings do not stay anymore. An easy workaround is to set the Spanish (Joaquim) or German (my case) toolbar icon as the first one in the toolbar and to click on it immediately after starting the program.
