Re: [guide-user] Re: Probelms slewing

Joaquin Apr 14, 2015

Do not quite understand what you ask for I of very little English.
If you questions as to synchronize your guide 9 and I goto my guide 9 picgoto and get it from the telescope keyboard and giving in sync star.
For this I have to put the guide 9 to work in real time.
I use my picgoto guide 9 and apara my gotorizado dobson and have no problem to sync with my picgoto program.
If you need help you can tell me in Spanish as eml not mastered English at all and I have to translate from google.
No entiendo muy bien que es lo que preguntas pues yo de ingles muy poco.
Si lo que preguntas como poder sincronizar el guide 9 y tu goto  yo con mi picgoto y el guide 9 lo consigo desde el teclado telescopio y dando en sincronizar estrella.
Yo para eso tengo que poner el guide 9 a trabajar en tiempo real.
Yo uso guide 9 y mi picgoto apara mi dobson gotorizado y no tengo ningun problema para su sincronizacion con el programa  de mi picgoto.
Si necesitas ayuda puedes decirmelo en español pues eml ingles no lo domino en absoluto y lo tengo que traducir desde google.
----- Original Message -----
From: fritztwo@... [guide-user]
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:21 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Re: Probelms slewing


Guide 9 and AP Mach1 GTO,

This thread is way old.  Sorry.  I was just born yesterday and am trying to hook up Guide 9 to my Mach 1.  Everything is fine, except:

Is there a synch or recal command?  Without that the hook up is no good to me.

On my system, pressing stop, stops the universe from turning and the only way I can restart it is to close Guide 9 and reopen.

I have Sky Tools Pro 3 and that will probably be a better route for me.  It's just that I know Guide better and like it a lot.

thanks for any help out there,
fritz k

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