Re: [guide-user] Guide

Randy Adams Jan 24, 2001

looks like most or all of the .not files are on the CD. If you move them to
your hard disc, I doubt the program would find it (just guessing here, of
course). I think we may be able to put parts of the program onto our hard
disc, but I'm not sure about the .not files. You might check the FAQ
section on the web site for this info. This section below deals with this
question and might help:
Hope this helps...I'm a novice myself with the GUIDE, just having purchased
it recently!

At 12:45 AM 1/24/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>>From: "James Fitzl" <n9lij1@...>
>>Have you ever tried to add your own comments on an
>>observed object in Guide? The book says you can do
>>it, but I can't make it work. The book says to edit
>>the *.not file, but I have only a Planet.not file in
>>guide. There is supposed to be an ngc.not, as well as
>>several others, according to the manual.
>>Also, when I call for "more information" on an object,
>>the menu of the window that pops up has an "edit"
>>selection. When I select this, I get a window of
>>Notepad with the file guide.txt containing the same
>>information as the "more information" window. I can
>>change this information, but it will not save. If you
>>have any insight on this, I would appreciate it.
>>Jim Fitzl
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