Hi folks,
I've just posted an update on the Web site that provides no new
features, but does fix most of the bugs reported in the previous
version. (As you may have seen on this list, that version was loaded
with 'em... and a few others were mentioned via private e-mail.)
Still unresolved are the "missing lunar eclipse table" bug and
Denis Boucher's "star color problem"... largely because I've no idea
what causes either problem. I suspect a device driver problem in the
star color problem, but the lunar eclipse table problem is utterly
baffling at this point.
A few people mentioned a 'double labelling' problem with user-added
datasets, with unsorted datasets where the field of view included a
celestial pole. This is fixed, but another problem mentioned by Ben
Hudgens, in which some asteroids/comets are shown twice, has not.
This happens, on occasion, when MPC data is imported. In a lot of
cases, Guide cannot recognize that the "new" object is a replacement
for an "old" object, and both wind up getting plotted.
Randy Adams asked about a HORIZON.DAT file that would put an 'N',
'E', 'S', 'W' at the compass points. As it happens, somebody asked
about this long ago, and I still have that file; you can download
it at
-- Bill