Rolf Stadelmaier Dec 16, 2014
Hi Oliver,
Spot on - had to set them to 'full
control' just 'write' did not work.
Still trying to get the hang of
8.1 I have read about problems with permissions but this is the first time
I have come up against it.
Thank you for your
Hi Keith,
I'm running GUIDE 9.0 at WIn 8.1, 64-bit too. I have not the problem you reported.
Maybe this is the solution for you:
The setting to show a dataset is sored at the tdf-file of the user data set. Please look for the line "shown". 0 stands for don't show, 1 = show dataset.
Please check you tdf files. Are they write protected? Maybe this had happen at the transfer from your XP machine to your new computer. If these files are write protected, the shown-setting (and all other settings for user-datasets) can't be changed.