tom Nov 17, 2014
On 11/17/2014 3:55 PM, pecorp@... [guide-user] wrote:
> It was a bit confusing and although I wasn't able to get full access to
> the security controls of C:\Program Files I was able to do so with Guide
> 9. Turns out NOTHING was being changed, including allowing the latest
> download. And that seemed to allow updating and to fix the access to
> the latest MPC data.
> Alt-J still brings up a box to enter NUMBER OF TEST FLAG, but I was able
> to enter the MAGS_PER_LEVEL=2.28 line and now the magnitudes shift fine,
> even if the command wasn't a test flat number.
> Sorry for taking up bandwidth here. Old dog, new computer security
> tricks, etc.
> Pete Peterson