Denis Nov 8, 2014
> No, using the OBJECT NAME on the GO TO menu does bring up "Not a Valid Object."
> I have tried numerous variations on the UCAC-4 listings and I cannot get it to come
> up either, including leaving out the "zero" heading off the DEC coordinate.
> It would seem that -IF installed onto the hard drive and in the program files of
> GUIDE - there should be an option that appears under the STARS selection as other
> catalogs are showing. The UCAC-4 catalog option does not show, nor does the GO TO
> OBJECT NAME entry work in any form that I have tried.
> ------------
> Dr. Clay
> Arkansas Sky Observatories
> ASO Petit Jean Mountain /MPC H41
> ASO Petit Jean Mountain South /MPC H45
> ASO West Conway /MPC H43
> .......serving astronomy since 1971
> ____________________
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Denis boucherd@... [guide-user]" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [guide-user] Still No GoTo
>> I think I know what you are not doing.
>> You are using the wrong menu,
>> use "goto", "object name"
>> First line at the top when you open the goto menu.
>> enter "4UC620-017761" as I stated.
>> Denis
>> On 11/8/2014 12:17 PM, Ned Smith smithn00@... [guide-user] wrote:
>>> Entering "4UC620-017761" into Go To>Object Name gives Not a valid object.
>>> On Nov 8, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Denis boucherd@...
>>> <mailto:boucherd@...> [guide-user] wrote:
>>>> Try entering "4UC620-017761"
>>>> 4UC - name of catalog
>>>> 620 - file number (1-900) every 0.2 degree of Dec
>>>> 017761 - star number within the file from 0 to 24 RA max number(999999)
>>>> Denis
>>>> On 11/8/2014 8:52 AM, Ned Smith smithn00@...
>>>> <mailto:smithn00@...> [guide-user] wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Andrew. That is the post I was looking for. Unfortunately I
>>>> still get Not A Valid Object for any combination of the UCAC4 number I
>>>> can think of.
>>>>> So there must be something else wrong on my system.
>>>>> Win 7/64. Version 16 Aug, 2011
>>>>> The number is 620-017761 in UCAC4. I have the coordinates and when i
>>>> go there and look deep enough I see a star and the info says it is
>>>> 4UC620-017761.
>>>>> Entering 620017761 into GoTo Object moves the screen to RA=0, Dec=0.
>>>>> Any other combo gets "Not A Valid Object".
>>>>> Ned Smith
>>>>> N 34,53,38.13
>>>>> W 85,28,17.10
>>>>> Near Chattanooga, TN
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