tom Sep 5, 2014
On 9/5/2014 12:59 PM, joeblow0@... [guide-user] wrote:
> After years of whining about not being able to use Guide with my Mac I
> finally took Bill's advice and set up Wine. (Well, actually I
> downloaded "Crossover" which set up Wine for me.)
> Guide under wine on my Macbook is much faster than on any of my XP boxes
> in the observatory, and it all seems to work fine except for one
> thing: The program won't launch unless the Guide(8) install disk is in
> the drive. After it starts up I can remove the CD and it still runs
> fine. This is a bit annoying since my Macbook doesn't have an internal
> optical drive, and I have to attach an external drive to start Guide.
> I emailed support at Crossover. He thought the problem could be caused
> by a copy protection mechanism and suggested I ask the author of the
> program. This didn't seem likely to me just because Bill has never
> seemed particularly fussy about this sort of thing. He also implied
> there is a workaround but "because of the DMCA I can't give any advice
> on how to bypass that". I suspect I did something wrong when
> configuring the program.
> So my question is for techie folks who use Guide on a Mac with Wine.
> What do I need to do I launch Guide under OS 10.9.4 using Wine without
> the need to have the install disk in the drive?
> Phil