Re: Find_Orb Wish List

Tomas Sep 5, 2011

Hi Bill

I was wondering, would it be possible to include the value of the Jupiter Tisserand invariant (calculated using the given elements from an orbit solution) somewhere?

Thank you

Tomas Vorobjov
IASC Astronomer

--- In, "Andrew Lowe" <andrew.lowe@...> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> 1. Any chance that you could add the "uncertainty parameter" as defined by the MPC to the orbital solution? I have been using Find_Orb to link astrometry at additional oppositions, and it would be interesting to see the change in U as this happens.
> 2. Under "Make Ephemeris", would it be possible to have today's date in the "Start" window as the default, or at least have a push button to add today's date to the window with one click?
> 3. On the main page, is it possible to define a fixed-width font so that the display of the elements "line up" properly?
> Thanks!
> Andrew