Re: Newest stable version?

andrew_j_walker Aug 19, 2011

Nice to hear of all the updates Bill, I especially like the
linking widely separated arcs news. I'll also mention that
the astrometry for "Natural outer irregular satellites of the giant planets"
is now available on this page
which may give some interesting test cases!


--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> My goof; when I updated the Web page to describe the current
> "in-testing" version, I didn't correct the text at the top that
> basically says, "there is no 'in-testing' version. If you go
> back to
> it should (correctly) describe the "in-testing" version. Which
> does have some very nice new features (especially the uncertainty
> data), and I'd recommend using it. In fact, if you're using .rwo
> files, I _highly_ recommend it, to get around some known problems
> in the "stable" version caused by a format change.
> As far as I know, the "in-testing" version is actually quite
> stable... at least, nobody has told me otherwise. Bug reports, either
> on this or in the officially "stable" version, are always welcome.
> I've been doing a fair bit with Find_Orb since then, and hope to be
> able to post some interesting improvements in a bit. The computing of
> uncertainty data works Just Fine (still not totally happy with how it's
> displayed to the user). I've been working on some code to make it
> easier to link widely separated arcs, so you can take an arc of a few
> nights from 1990 and link it to a few nights in 2011 (this has been
> nearly impossible before now). And handling three-parameter (A1, A2,
> A3) comet solutions, and a variant for objects like 2009 BD where the
> non-gravitational forces are just inverse-square, and computing circular
> orbits, and so on...
> Problem is, I also made improvements in the initial orbit determination
> routine. This still needs some work. My eventual plan is that Find_Orb
> ought to just load up astrometry and find a good orbit, even for some
> rather unusual cases (SOHO comets, for example). But it's not quite
> ready yet.
> -- Bill