Re: P100RyP on NEOCP

andrew_j_walker Aug 11, 2011

Before it disappears, this became 2011 OF45

--- In, "andrew_j_walker" <Andrew.Walker@...> wrote:
> Can someone else have a look at this one with findorb and see if
> they get the same?
> At present on the NEOCP it has 17 observations and an orbit near
> Saturn's which is not too eccentric.
> (a=9.1917005, e=0.1288386 )
> Using FindOrb I decided to constrain solutions to a=9.582 au
> and I get this:
> Orbital elements:
> P100RyP
> Perihelion 2012 Dec 14.193154 TT; Constraint: a=9.582
> Epoch 2011 Aug 1.0 TT = JDT 2455774.5 Find_Orb
> M 343.34575 (2000.0) P Q
> n 0.03322919 Peri. 17.28681 0.88825556 0.40826706
> a 9.58200000 Node 316.61993 -0.44930726 0.67690826
> e 0.1751642 Incl. 17.84916 -0.09552498 0.61246486
> P 29.66 H 12.6 U 6.9 q 7.90357605 Q 11.2604239
> From 16 observations 2011 July 26-Aug. 7; mean residual 0".201.
> # State vector (heliocentric ecliptic J2000):
> # 5.177946771471 -6.099398040349 -0.282318225659 AU
> # 4.541325017793 4.287941920875 2.007960557050 mAU/day
> # MOIDs: Me 7.5229 Ve 7.1849 Ea 6.8978 Ma 6.5341
> # MOIDs: Ju 2.8964 Sa 1.9333 Ur 7.1845 Ne 18.8975
> # Elements written: 10 Aug 2011 11:40:00 (JD 2455783.986111)
> # Full range of obs: 2011 July 26-Aug. 7 (17 observations)
> # Find_Orb ver: Apr 29 2011 11:56:25
> # Perturbers: 000007fe (Merc-Pluto plus Luna)
> # Tisserand relative to Earth: 5.90622
> # Tisserand relative to Jupiter: 3.08651
> # Tisserand relative to Neptune: 4.19613
> This solution had all perturbers on (except asteroids) and
> used all observations except the first H21 on 31 July.
> Plot it using your favorite software (I used NeaPlot) and guess what,
> this orbit is Trojan like for at least the next 1000 years.
> Obviously more observations need to be made, this shows it is a
> "possible" trojan but is it "probable" ? This would really depend on
> whether other "stable" low e orbits can exist in this region.
> Should be a good one to watch in any case (the errors given
> by Findorb when a hasn't been constrained are 0.439 au for a and for e
> 0.0462, this is with the same observation as above marked to ignore )
> Andrew