P100RyP on NEOCP
andrew_j_walker Aug 10, 2011
Can someone else have a look at this one with findorb and see if
they get the same?
At present on the NEOCP it has 17 observations and an orbit near
Saturn's which is not too eccentric.
(a=9.1917005, e=0.1288386 )
Using FindOrb I decided to constrain solutions to a=9.582 au
and I get this:
Orbital elements:
Perihelion 2012 Dec 14.193154 TT; Constraint: a=9.582
Epoch 2011 Aug 1.0 TT = JDT 2455774.5 Find_Orb
M 343.34575 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.03322919 Peri. 17.28681 0.88825556 0.40826706
a 9.58200000 Node 316.61993 -0.44930726 0.67690826
e 0.1751642 Incl. 17.84916 -0.09552498 0.61246486
P 29.66 H 12.6 U 6.9 q 7.90357605 Q 11.2604239
From 16 observations 2011 July 26-Aug. 7; mean residual 0".201.
# State vector (heliocentric ecliptic J2000):
# 5.177946771471 -6.099398040349 -0.282318225659 AU
# 4.541325017793 4.287941920875 2.007960557050 mAU/day
# MOIDs: Me 7.5229 Ve 7.1849 Ea 6.8978 Ma 6.5341
# MOIDs: Ju 2.8964 Sa 1.9333 Ur 7.1845 Ne 18.8975
# Elements written: 10 Aug 2011 11:40:00 (JD 2455783.986111)
# Full range of obs: 2011 July 26-Aug. 7 (17 observations)
# Find_Orb ver: Apr 29 2011 11:56:25
# Perturbers: 000007fe (Merc-Pluto plus Luna)
# Tisserand relative to Earth: 5.90622
# Tisserand relative to Jupiter: 3.08651
# Tisserand relative to Neptune: 4.19613
This solution had all perturbers on (except asteroids) and
used all observations except the first H21 on 31 July.
Plot it using your favorite software (I used NeaPlot) and guess what,
this orbit is Trojan like for at least the next 1000 years.
Obviously more observations need to be made, this shows it is a
"possible" trojan but is it "probable" ? This would really depend on
whether other "stable" low e orbits can exist in this region.
Should be a good one to watch in any case (the errors given
by Findorb when a hasn't been constrained are 0.439 au for a and for e
0.0462, this is with the same observation as above marked to ignore )