Orbital parameters for binary stars
fcorica0802 Jul 11, 2011
Hello all:
My name is Francisco Rica and I am a no-professional astronomer from Spain. I calculate orbital parameters for visual binary since 2008 using Docobo Method. Now I am try to learn a new method to calculate orbital parameters from a very short observational arc.
I found a method published by Hauser & Marcy (1999, PASP, 111, 321). This method calculate orbital parameters with the input r (x,y,z) and V (vx, vy, vz). I have same problems with this. And I found today the source code in classel.cpp. I think that the solution to my problem is in this source code. I have a question for this source code? what is the "gm" variable? In the comments included in classel.cpp say: "for an object orbiting a mass gm". it is the mass of the central object? or it is G * Mass. In visua binary, the mass of the stars are similar, then must I replace G*M for other expression?
I hope you can help me. Thanks for the time spent in this email.
-- Francisco Rica --