Re: impacts

Tomas Jun 30, 2011

Thanks Bill,

unchecking that box did it and everything else is just as in the documentation (I suspected it would be something this simple, just missed that checkbox)


--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
> Hi Tomas,
> Looks as if I need to add a step in that section of the documentation:
> you have to go into Settings, and make sure that the 'heliocentric orbits
> only' box is not checked. By default, it's unchecked. But every now
> and then, one does need heliocentric elements, even though logic would
> suggest planetocentric ones... I usually run into that situation when
> I want to generate elements for use in software that requires heliocentric
> data.
> The elements you got look to be exactly right, except for being
> heliocentric instead of geocentric. Turn off that check-box, and
> set the epoch to 7.12 October (closer to the impact time), and perhaps
> adjust the collision altitude, and you should get the right impact point.
> -- Bill