I'm looking at
http://www.projectpluto.com/find_orb.htm#impacts and the
description how Find_Orb can determine impacts, in this case 2008 TC3.
I've downloaded all 859 observations and got them into Find_Orb but the
elements I get are heliocentric:
2008 TC3 Perihelion 2008 Nov 20.399050 TT = 9:34:37 (JD
2454790.899050)Epoch 2008 Oct 7.0 TT = JDT 2454746.5 Earth MOID:
0.0000 Ma: 0.0100M 330.75378 (2000.0) P
Qn 0.65871272 Peri. 234.44892 0.36588297 -0.93059812
a 1.30819358 Node 194.10115 0.86757688 0.34526111
e 0.3120600 Incl. 2.54214 0.33680853 0.12158078
P 1.50/546.51d H 30.6 G 0.15 q 0.89995863 Q
1.71642853From 859 observations 2008 Oct. 6-7 (18.8 hr); RMS error
1.748 arcseconds
and there's nothing about the impact, how do I get geocentric elements
as described in the "tutorial", i.e.
2008 TC3 Perigee 2008 Oct 7.118796 TT = 2:51:03 (JD 2454746.618796)
Epoch 2008 Oct 7.0 TT = JDT 2454746.5 Find_Orb q
5849.7208km (2000.0) P Q H 30.6 G 0.15
Peri. 148.3640 -0.4988773 0.8437959 Node
330.1500 0.6888919 0.2475819 e 1.591833 Incl.
23.4175 0.5258794 0.4761423 From 859 observations 2008 Oct.
6-7 (18.8 hr); RMS error 1.748 arcseconds IMPACT at 7 Oct 2008
2:45:54.16 lat +20.60295 lon E33.11633any ideas?
thank you
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