Hi Tim,
I might be able to do that without much effort. Each time
the orbital elements are shown in Find_Orb, a file 'elements.txt'
is written. An example follows this post. As you'll see, all
the text on the screen appears in 'elements.txt', _plus_ added
data that doesn't fit in the display. The MOIDs for all eight
(IAU approved!) planets are given, even though I doubt anyone
really cares about the Neptune MOID for an object that always
stays within the orbit of Mars.
Also given are the state vector, some housekeeping data that
I've used at times to figure out which elements I created when,
and the Tisserand criterion relative to Earth, Jupiter, and
What I may do is to enable an "alternative orbital element"
display in which the currently-shown elements swap places on-screen
with some of this auxiliary data. (With, possibly, the ecliptic
longitude of the MOID point added to the data.)
Incidentally, shortly after I posted the last update, Peter
Birtwhistle asked (off-list) about making it possible to copy the
ephemeris to the clipboard. The current "in-testing" version, at
has this feature, as well as the ability to copy the orbital
elements and/or observation details to the clipboard.
-- Bill
Orbital elements:
2009 DO111
Perihelion 2009 May 29.412986 TT = 9:54:42 (JD 2454980.912986)
Epoch 2009 Mar 16.0 TT = JDT 2454906.5 Earth MOID: 0.0026 Ve: 0.0273
M 290.98095 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.92751343 Peri. 274.23859 0.11919830 0.99286815
a 1.04133206 Node 2.61014 -0.89123967 0.10794883
e 0.2798296 Incl. 2.69925 -0.43758840 0.05059528
P 1.06/388.13d H 22.8 G 0.15 q 0.74993645 Q 1.33272767
From 21 observations 2009 Feb. 22-Mar. 15; RMS error 0.208 arcseconds
# State vector:
# -1.026510516574 0.434506344586 0.022667850511 AU
# -1.973810690172 -15.563775285870 -0.728768156543 mAU/day
# MOIDs: Me 0.2879 Ve 0.0273 Ea 0.0026 Ma 0.2380
# MOIDs: Ju 3.7750 Sa 7.6916 Ur 17.1880 Ne 28.5493
# Elements written: 16 Mar 2009 1:34:07 (JD 2454906.565359)
# Find_Orb ver: Mar 8 2009 11:49:28
# Perturbers: 00000001
# Tisserand relative to Earth: 2.91751
# Tisserand relative to Jupiter: 5.85479
# Tisserand relative to Neptune: 29.23244