Orbit determination exercise

Alessandro Jan 29, 2011

Here is a newby question for people who are interested in orbit determination.

Let's imagine that an object MYOBJ has been measured only three times, according to this hypothetical MPCReport:

MYOBJ C2011 01 11.43745 11 05 20.01 +38 02 33.7 17.00R 857
MYOBJ C2011 01 11.47912 11 04 30.30 +38 05 12.4 16.58R 857
MYOBJ C2011 01 11.52055 11 03 40.79 +38 07 47.7 17.93R 857

Based on these three observations, what would you say about the orbit of such an object ?

I tried to use the program FIND_ORB on this example but I am not yet able to use it understanding what it finds out.
For example: when I press the autosolve button, the program determines an orbit with RMS error = 0 ?

Here is what I find:
Perihelion 2010 Nov 18.173749 TT = 4:10:12 (JD 2455518.673749)
Epoch 2011 Jan 12.0 TT = JDT 2455573.5 Earth MOID: 0.2550
M 72.84720 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.32869204 Peri. 9.25958 0.59463100 0.39030866
a 0.81944503 Node 301.60625 -0.78034732 0.06968394
e 0.8931816 Incl. 55.62134 -0.19357690 0.91804318
P 0.74/270.94d H 18.7 G 0.15 q 0.08753180 Q 1.55135825
From 3 observations 2011 Jan. 11 (2.0 hr); RMS error 0.000 arcseconds
