Hi Andrew,
> Hi Bill, thanks for the update! I've just tried to load the
> rwo file for asteroid 90482 into the latest devel version
> and I get the error
> "No observations loaded from that file!"
> Does anyone else get this? The rwo file loads ok in
> wordpad so it doesn't look to be corrupt.
Hmmm... I've downloaded '90482.rwo', and run it through without
trouble. A couple of things to try:
When you click on About, the version date should be 2010 Dec 17.
If the version date matches, would you mind e-mailing me the
input file you used? I got the data from
I'm wondering if there may be a slightly different source of
.rwo data elsewhere in the AstDyS/NEODyS services. Best idea I've
come up with thus far, at any rate.
-- Bill