Re: FindOrb and Linux

Bill Gray Oct 20 9:35 AM

Hi Maik,

(I'm cross-posting to new and old lists, which may be a good
idea until we're absolutely confident in the new list. I'm
almost there, but we do have a little time to kick the tires on
it. If I get a message from the Yahoo! group but not the Mailman
one, it'll let me know I still have something to tweak.)

On 10/20/19 5:30 AM, Maik Meyer wrote:
> Hello all,
> this is just a note that I have switched to Linux and can run
> FindOrb and Guide out of the box using wine without big tweaks
> flawlessly.
> (And of course this e-mail is a test of the new list.)
> Regards
> Maik

Definitely a good idea to test the new list. It "sort of"
failed for your post at first, because I'd misconfigured the
moderation settings. Once I reset that, your post went through.

Glad to hear you're set up with Find_Orb on Wine. I've found
Wine to be amazingly useful for getting Windows software to work
in Linux.

This may be a good moment to mention that I'm working on
getting "console mode" Find_Orb to run on Windows. (It's run
on Linux, OS/X, and *BSD for years.) More on this, including
a screen shot to give you an idea as to what you're in for, at

NOTE that the link on that page to download the console-mode
Find_Orb.exe doesn't work quite yet! It's been 'almost ready' for
weeks, but I've kept being busy with other projects. But this is
the future of where Find_Orb is going.

-- Bill