Re: [find_orb] file not showing when choosing 'open'

vicgro10 Sep 15

Hello Everyone,

I find out what the problem was regarding the problem described in the below email.  I needed to line up the 80-column format exactly the same in both sets of data. When I lined them up correctly both sets loaded into Find_Orb correctly.

Thank You,


-----Original Message-----
From: vgro@... [find_orb] <>
To: find_orb <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 15, 2019 8:36 am
Subject: [find_orb] file not showing when choosing 'open'

Hello Everyone,

I am using Find_Orb to test the quality of my astrometric observations. I am trying to open a file with my astrometry along with comparison astrometry from the IAU MPC. When I try to open a text word doc file with that information I am getting a dialogue box that says 'no file found'. I have used Find_Orb in the past and didn't have this problem before. I can't figure out what I might be doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

