Re: [find_orb] Find_Orb only using three rows of data to generate ephemeris

Bill Gray Apr 4

Hi Simon,

Hmmm... would you mind sending me the data?

Find_Orb is, generally speaking, quite forgiving of oddities
in the input data. MPC is not. If your observations do not match
the format specification given at

right down to the smallest details, they'll reject your data.
Similarly, with the new ADES format, everything has to be Just
Right for MPC to be able to handle your data.

I found out early on that plenty of Find_Orb users would omit
extra spaces or have extra data at the end of a line, and made the
program such that it could usually figure things out. But it
doesn't always do so, and I think this is one of those times.
But without seeing the data, I can't say for sure.

-- Bill

On 03/04/2019 10.28, Simon John Ebo sjebo@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Hi,
> It has been discovered that when inputting data to the Find_Orb ephemeris generator only the first three rows are used to calculate the orbit, the other rows are discarded. When removing the top three rows it then randomly chooses three other rows to use for the calculation. Is there an easy solution for it to use all the data?
> Thanks,
> Simon
> ------------------------------------
> Posted by: Simon John Ebo <SJEbo@...>
> ------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------
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