Re: [find_orb] Updated Windows Find_Orb/ADES support

Bill Gray Aug 19, 2018

Hi Peter, Tony,

Thank you. I've just posted a version with display of ADES fixed.
This basically just requires the date/time and RA/dec to be displayed
(in the on-screen list box only) in "traditional" MPC format. Which
is probably a good idea anyway.

Also, you can reset the program's language in the Settings menu.
Currently available languages are English, French, German, Russian,
Spanish, and Italian; others can be added if there's interest (it's
pretty easy to do). Note that in most cases, the translations are
nowhere near to being complete. In some cases, I translated a few
key words such as month names, leaving the rest to someone with a
better knowledge of the language in question.

-- Bill