Updated Windows Find_Orb/ADES support

Bill Gray Aug 18, 2018

Hello all,

I posted an "in development" version of Find_Orb, for
32-bit and 64-bit Windows, about a month ago. It turned out
that it still crashed, for some people, on some systems.
The crashes were sufficiently erratic to make tracking the
problem down more difficult than usual. It didn't help that
the crashes occurred only under Windows; Linux/BSD versions
ran without problems.

However, I recently started to get consistently reproducible
crashes in 32-bit Windows. That provided the clue I needed;
after considerable debugging, I found a bug which I am confident
was causing the misbehavior that was reported to me. So I
recommend updating to


The other advantage of this update is that it allows one to
compute orbits using "traditional" 80-column MPC-formatted
astrometry, and/or ADES in PSV or XML formats. You can mix
and match formats; confusing the program should be difficult
to do. Some details are at


As is described there, while Find_Orb and most of my other tools
will be flexible about oddly formatted or mixed astrometric data, you
can't really count on anyone else doing that. Don't assume that
because Find_Orb reads your data, others will be able to do so.

As usual, comments/bug reports are welcome. If all appears to be
well, I'll move these from 'development' status to 'release' status.

-- Bill