Re: New Big Re: Fwd: [find_orb] Fwd: Update observatory list

stevensallyra1@... Jul 9, 2018

Hi Bill,

Thanks for that, sorry but the 64bit version downloaded from your link below (and extracted) will not run (even as administrator) See attached image. On my laptop anyway.


PS 32bit version works just fine on the same laptop that will not open files on the 64bit version.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jost Jahn Yahoo@... [find_orb] <>
To: find_orb <>
Sent: Mon, 9 Jul 2018 15:55
Subject: New Big Re: Fwd: [find_orb] Fwd: Update observatory list


the 32-bit version has a new bug.

If you have only 1 object in the file, the object is not listed in the object list (list is empty), so that changes in data needs a re-opening by file-selection.


On 08.07.2018 21:55, Bill Gray pluto@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Hi Steve, all,
> I'd like to blame Win10 for this. And I _can_ blame it for a number
> of things not related to Find_Orb. But Find_Orb really ought to work on
> any flavor of Windows from Win95 on, regardless of updates.
> I've been unable to replicate the error. I decided it was about
> time for me to post an update to include new observatory codes and
> information, the ability to read the new ADES format, and a few
> bug fixes that (I'm reasonably sure) are not related to this particular
> problem. You can download the results at

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