Re: [find_orb] Delta-T data used by Find_Orb

Francisco Ocaña González Jul 4, 2018

Hi Andrew,

I will let Bill to answer about the actual implementation, but as I am/was interested in the delta-T calculation, I have to say that he has very nice documentation and code at . I would assume that 'find_orb' uses his 'lunar' functions.

And as a teaser, yes, the answer is in the code comments:

Updated at two-year intervals to add a new Delta-T table entry from

Best regards,


2018-07-03 22:04 GMT+02:00 Andrew Lowe andrewlowe@... [find_orb] <>:

Hi Bill,

In your Find_Orb documentation, you mention that you use a table with two-year increments to compute the difference between Terrestrial Time and Universal Time (Delta-T).  Could you please let me know these values for the past and future, to be compatible with my ephemerides that I use for input into Find_Orb.

