Hi Steve,
You should update 'rovers.txt', for several reasons.
'ObsCodes.htm' is the MPC's list of observatories :
https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/lists/ObsCodes.html'rovers.txt' is Find_Orb's list of additional observatories.
Unlike the MPC's file, you can specify your observatory in
latitude and altitude instead of in parallax constants, and
your coordinates can be in decimal degrees or in "traditional"
base-60 degrees/minutes/seconds. Also, the file itself
contains documentation on how to add new codes.
Further comments at
https://projectpluto.com/find_orb.htm#obs_codesNot mentioned there, but: you may want to send me your
position. I'll add it to 'rovers.txt'. The advantage of this
is that if you update Find_Orb, you won't lose the observatory
code you've added.
-- Bill
On 2018-03-12 14:01, stevensallyra1@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Hi,
> Please advise the steps needed to update the observatory list on FindOrb.
> There seem to be two files in the FindOrb directory that need updating. Why two ?
> I'm not too sharp on computers!
> Thanks
> Steve
> ---------------------------
> Posted by: stevensallyra1@...