Re: [find_orb] New here, lot of questions to follow...8)

Alan Watson Feb 28, 2018

Thanks Bill,
Collecting my thoughts and links to share here.

More info soon, regards Al

On Wed, 28 Feb. 2018, 1:12 am Bill Gray pluto@... [find_orb], <> wrote:

Hi Alan,

Sure, go ahead and post positions. I'm glad to hear you're
measuring STEREO positions; it seems to me to be an under-used

Getting orbits from STEREO and SOHO data tends to be a bit
painful. You don't get parallax and the positions aren't nearly
as exact as those from ground-based astrometry. It used to be
that MPC would produce orbits from SOHO and STEREO data, but
I think a lot of the knowledge of how to do that was in Brian
Marsden's head. I computed orbits for a few hundred comets
some years back, and we now have a tremendous backlog of comets
for which orbits need to be computed... it's been on my 'to do'
list for a few years now.

However, if you just have one or a few objects, things ought
to be somewhat more straightforward.

Also be warned: if you can get the object from _both_ STEREOs,
or from a STEREO and SOHO, you'll get an _immensely_ better orbit.
(Which is why I'm glad to hear of STEREO positions being measured.
Comets measured just using SOHO -- the usual case -- tend to have
extremely approximate orbits, unless they were bright enough to
be measured over a couple of days.)

-- Bill

On 2018-02-27 07:35, c2009a1@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Gidday All,
> I joined this forum, as I now seem to be able to measure data from STEREO HI1a images that can be used with Find_Orb. So, sorry if you have answered these questions all before.....
> So, just to introduce the problem, I can see many known asteroids in STEREO HI1a images. Most I can name from general alignments in Starry Night software with mpc data files. I want to rework the orbit calculation for some of these from measures from HI1A positions. To prove I have a good processing model to get real orbit elements.
> Well, I have an unknown object ( unknown to me) moving across the fov for a month,  have tried with  help from Stereohunter forum members to work an orbit. Karl B ( mr sungrazer) suggested contacting Bill for help.
> I have the input data files available that have GEI position info for the Stereo satellite. Not that I know what a good solution looks like other than low residual numbers. Need to lock a good solution so that the unknown can be named.
> Can I share the positions file here??
> Kind regards, Alan Watson