Bill Gray Feb 27, 2018
On 2018-02-27 07:35, c2009a1@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Gidday All,
> I joined this forum, as I now seem to be able to measure data from STEREO HI1a images that can be used with Find_Orb. So, sorry if you have answered these questions all before.....
> So, just to introduce the problem, I can see many known asteroids in STEREO HI1a images. Most I can name from general alignments in Starry Night software with mpc data files. I want to rework the orbit calculation for some of these from measures from HI1A positions. To prove I have a good processing model to get real orbit elements.
> Well, I have an unknown object ( unknown to me) moving across the fov for a month, have tried with help from Stereohunter forum members to work an orbit. Karl B ( mr sungrazer) suggested contacting Bill for help.
> I have the input data files available that have GEI position info for the Stereo satellite. Not that I know what a good solution looks like other than low residual numbers. Need to lock a good solution so that the unknown can be named.
> Can I share the positions file here??
> Kind regards, Alan Watson