Hi Bill,
I'm pasting in 16 lines of ZD8F271 (G96, H01, I52 and J95). Reject 4th G96 with 3 sec residual and press full step a couple of times. Then I'm generating an Observables ephemeris for J95 with these items ticked (not sure whether any one might be the culprit?):
Show motion details
Show Alt/az
Phase angle
Round to nearest step
Human readable
Eph uncertainty
Vis indicators
Suppress unobservables
Start now, steps 12, size 1h.
The Make ephemeris form shows no change when Go is pressed, eventually Win7 flags it as "Not responding"
Copying the previous release I'd been using (2017 Nov 6) back over the top makes it work again and replacing again with the new one makes it go wrong again.