Re: [find_orb] Find_Orb - Linux version

Bill Gray Nov 30, 2017

Hi Alessandro,

Ugh. Thanks for mentioning this problem. I hadn't run
into it, because I'm always installing into directories
in which the '-master' part of the name is omitted. I
don't like typing that much.

One can either edit the makefile to add '-master', _or_
you can rename the 'find_orb-master' directory to be just
'find_orb'. I'd recommend the latter.

Some further comments on how to build and install
Find_Orb from source on Linux, OS/X, and *BSD are
provided at

It shouldn't, I hope, be particularly difficult to do.
In the process, you get Find_Orb, its non-interactive
sibling 'fo', and the tools behind the on-line Find_Orb,
artificial satellite identification, and other tools, with
some comments on how to run them.

Building the Windows executables from source is more
difficult, but is possible. Unfortunately, they use the
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) libraries, meaning it can
only be done with the Microsoft compiler. This is freely
available, though, and I expect to post instructions on how
to do it. As seems to be usual with software projects, my
documentation lags the actual programs by a lot.

-- Bill

On 2017-11-30 18:36, alessandro odasso alessandro_odasso@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Just a comment for anyone willing to compile Find_Orb on a Linux Debian version with root privileges.
> First, I installed the curses lib:
> * apt-get install libncursesw5-dev
> Then, I downloaded from Github the correspondent .zip files and thus created the following directories:
> * jpl_eph-master
> * lunar-master
> * sat_code-master
> * find_orb-master <=== before running makefile here be sure to run makefile in all previous dir
> The compilation in every directory is as easy as this:
> make GLOBAL=Y all
> make GLOBAL=Y install
> Only little point I had to change:
> * In the makefile of sat_code-master it is necessary to modifythe reference to find_orb with find_orb-masterin order to be coherent with the directory structure.
> Cheers,
> Alessandro Odasso
> **