Hi Wojtek,
Sorry for a (very late) reply to this!
As it happens, I've had a few inquiries about how to build
Find_Orb from the source code in recent weeks. A while back, I
wrote up some documentation for the Catalina Sky Survey folks on
the subject, but it was a little too specific to their situation.
I've revised that documentation to make it more generally useful
and it's now at
Note that this is a very recent document. I'm virtually certain
that there are places where it's not as clear as it ought to be,
or where I've left CSS-specific details, etc. There are still
a lot of undocumented features that really should get documented.
Still, this will get you installed and running.
The first thing I'd recommend doing is going to that page and
following the procedure described there to install the source code
(from GitHub repositories) and to build it. That'll get you the
latest version of the code, and should make it easier to figure
out why you're seeing that error message.
I'm not entirely clear as to whether you're using the .zipped
source code I used to have on projectpluto.com, or if you're
already working from the GitHub source code. If the latter, I'd
recommend updating it using the directions at
(I can tell from the error message you've got an older version
of the source code; that error message isn't at line 3807 now.)
My guess is that if you get the current source code and use the
instructions at the above URL, things will Just Work. If not,
though, please let me know. It really should work smoothly,
without needing to reset configuration files or environment variables.
-- Bill
On 2017-09-19 04:36, Wojtek Borczyk bori@... [find_orb] wrote:
> Hello all!
> I have a technical problem with running native Linux version of find_orb
> software.
> I downloaded both MS Windows binaries and source code for compiling
> on Linux. While the Windows version works perfectly (under wine emulator),
> the Linux version doesn't work at all.
> On my 64 bit Ubuntu source code compiles without any errors (both with gcc
> and clang), but every time I try to start either "find_orb" or "fo" I
> receive a runtime error message:
> mpc_obs.cpp:3807: const char* get_environment_ptr(const char*): Assertion
> `edata' failed.
> Aborted (core dumped)
> I tried to compile the same code under FreeBSD, but the final result is
> identical:
> Assertion failed: (edata), function get_environment_ptr, file mpc_obs.cpp,
> line 3807.
> Abort trap: 6 (core dumped)
> Have you got any idea - what I'm doing wrong? Does this program require
> any additional configuration files or enviromental variables settings?
> I will be very grateful for any help!
> Wojtek
> ------------------------------------
> Posted by: Wojtek Borczyk <bori@...>
> ------------------------------------