Re: [find_orb] Re: Further "development" update posted

vicgro10 Jul 30, 2017

Thanks Dennis.

New Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Wilde dgwilde@... [find_orb] <>
To: find_orb <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 30, 2017 7:42 pm
Subject: Re: [find_orb] Re: Further "development" update posted

1" is the maximum acceptable for most cases depending on the brightness and speed for known asteroids. I probably would submit measurements with greater residuals (compared to the others), if it was a newly discovered asteroid with only a few measurements reported, and it was moving quickly.
If your own multiple measurements have high residuals, something might be off in your measurements. I'm not experienced enough to diagnose your problems if that's the case.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 30, 2017, at 1:36 PM, vgro@... [find_orb] <> wrote:

Thanks Dennis,

That's a big help. What would be considered out of whack, an 1" or greater?



-----Original Message-----
From: dw dgwilde@... [find_orb] <>
To: find_orb <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 30, 2017 9:45 am
Subject: Re: [find_orb] Re: Further "development" update posted

I don't know which astrometry software you use,  but I use Astrometrica.  I just copy and paste the MPC report into a text file and save it with a temp name.  I open the file with find orb and the measurements are listed with the residuals.  I then go to the MPC database and copy/ paste the recents observations around the date of mine into the same text file, save it and reopen it in find orb.  This allows me to see my residuals against others to make sure they are not out of "whack" for some reason, before I submit them to the MPC.  I hope this helps.

Dennis Wilde
Sent from my iPad

On Jul 29, 2017, at 4:09 PM, vgro@... [find_orb] <> wrote:

Hello All,

I just started using Find_Orb and the message above that I am replying to is exaclty my issue. I don't seem to be able to get the astrometry data into Find_Orb or as stated above (I couldn't put astrometry into the clipboard
and then look at that astrometry in Find_Orb, nor could I copy. the orbital elements or the object information to the clipboard. I have just downloaded the current version about a week ago. I also can't get files downloaded into Find_Orb. In all cases In some cases the astrometrry is able to be copied from a received email. Otherwise, I get a message that there are no observations in the files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

Vic Grossi